
How to Put Music on Tumblr Profile
A tutorial on how to put music on a Tumblr profile.

How to Put Music on Tumblr Profile

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How to Put Music on Tumblr Profile

Please note that a significant number of Tumblr users really dislike the notion of a music track/player set on autoplay.  This is especially true for those that can’t be turned off.  Even I, am one the many people who go out their way to un-follow these people.  Then again, a large number of people still ask how it is done, so here is the way you can put a background track onto your Tumblr.

Inasmuch as there are such a large number of ways in which to put music on your tumblr, I will show you with how to use hypster to add music.

This is how you put autoplay music on in the background of your blog

Ÿ  The autoplay widget comes from the Hypster.com website

Ÿ  Register with Hypster and open up a new account

Ÿ  Log into your new account, and scroll down the screen until you find the play list section

Ÿ  Set the music you are interested in using to “Active”

Ÿ  Now go to search and add songs to your play list

Ÿ  This play-list will now become your background music play list that plays automatically

Ÿ  If later down the line you want different song to play, then you will have to come back here and add new songs

Ÿ  You should now create an auto play musical widget using Hypster 

Ÿ  Choose the play list that you wish to use and check the “enable auto play” option

Ÿ  You will then need to find out your embed code and code it into your Tumblr Blog

Ÿ  The embedding code will need a little tinkering and fiddling with before it is ready for your Tumblr blog

Ÿ  For example you will need to get right of the img tag, etc, etc.

Ÿ  There are two height and width tags, of which the values within must be changed

Ÿ  The size you create for your width tag depends on if you want people to see the title of the current song

Ÿ  Don’t delete the px word after the values

Once you are happy with your embed code (strongly suggest you look up the coding before continuing, to see if you have done it correctly) you should go to your Tumblr site and click on “customize theme”, and then to “Edit Html” and put your embed code wherever you would like it.   If you are giving your viewer the chance to stop the auto-playing music, then you should really put it near the top, so that they are free to stop it right away.

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