
How to Increase Website Conversion Rates
A guide to earning better conversions in just 9 steps.

How to Increase Website Conversion Rates

search engine marketing services

9 Steps to Better Conversion Rates

1. Find out the Rules and Create a Strategy.
Develop a strategy and list out your long term goals and how you measure success. Find out what currently isn’t working in your business and why. Also, take the time to understand the thought process of your visitors and put yourself in their shoes.

2. Learn about Existing Traffic Sources and Improve Them.
Understand your conversion sources and find out where your visitors come from, which landing pages they arrive on, and how they navigate throughout your site. Find which areas of your site have the most opportunity and use that to arrange your plan.

3. Know Who Your Visitors Are.
Understand the intentions and different types of visitors that come to your site. In addition, enhance the experience of your users by finding out any user experience problems. Lastly, invest some time into researching and understanding visitor objections as well.

4. Know Your Market.
Study your marketplace by researching about what your competitors and industry experts are currently doing. Also, observe what your customers have to say about your brand on social media and review sites. Furthermore, think of some new ways to improve your current position by using the strengths of your company as a foundation.

5. Use Your Assets.
Find out what aspects of your company are appealing and the most persuasive to potential customers. Provide yourself some time to acquire the data you need and create a better way to display the best assets of your company.

6. Craft Your New Strategy.
Sit down and take a look at all of the ideas you have acquired over these steps and prioritize which ones you will target first. The best ones to go after first are the ones that will increase your business in the shortest amount of time.

7. Create Web Pages and Test Them.
Come up with a blueprint for the design of your website that allows your page to be more persuasive, credible, and will enhance the experience of your visitors. Conduct tests using the wireframe and ask for feedback from someone who knows your customer well in order to have a pair of fresh eyes view your work.

8. Perform Tests on Your Website.
Create experimental webpages to conduct A/B tests. These tests will help you have a better understanding of visitor behavior and will provide you a more enhanced insight on how to increase conversions. Also, make sure your team knows that you are run tests and why they are necessary in order to avoid confusion.

9. Apply Your Insights onto Other Media.
Take whatever knowledge you gained from your experiments and apply them to your site. A landing page design that tested well can be used on your actual website, as a headline for an AdWords campaign, or on offline media.

When followed, these 9 steps can raise your conversion rate and ultimately grow your business. They remove the need for any guesswork and are part of a systematic process that works together to create a successful strategy that will optimize your website to be user-friendly and widen your conversion rate net.

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