
Link Building Outreach SEO Tips and Stats
An analysis of effective link building outreach methods with useful tips.

Link Building Outreach SEO Tips and Stats

search engine marketing services

Having an Effective Outreach

Creating successful outreach emails are very difficult. Many people are confused when they receive emails from people they do not know, and they often end up being deleted or closed. After studying 300,000 emails, it was found that there are some common characteristics of successful outreach emails, such as gender, opening salutation, making contact on twitter, the time of day, and the number of emails.

Gender Comparison
Gender can strongly influence how successful a person’s link building skills can be. It is widely believed among many that women have better performance during their outreach emails. After conducting the survey, this was proven to be true. The compared response and closed rates of women vs. men is 16.8% and 14.9%, and 4.5% and 4.8% respectively. This shows that women have more persuasive skills when it comes to outreach link building.

Opening Salutation
Many link builders try to target their prospects without knowing their contacts’ names. In the analysis, it was found that incorporating general salutations brought in more responses than personal ones. In fact, personal close rates were shown to be 6.52%, which is 2.41% higher than the general rate of 4.1%.

Making Contact on Twitter
Making contact via twitter can allow link builders to jump into an open conversation. According to the study, it was found that many link builders do not tweet before they email. Even when the link builder did tweet, there was still a low chance of receiving a response rate.

Best Time of Day
Many outreach emailers make an effort to send their emails at the appropriate date and time to get more responses. The study revealed that the best day and time to send emails and receive the highest amount of responses and link activations is 9:00 AM Tuesday.

Optimal Number of Emails
A typical link building team will send follow up emails four times before they give up, but some go beyond that number to achieve more closed links. The research from the study revealed that there is a 100% better response rate after a 3rd email is sent.

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