Getting your Twitter blogs re-tweeted is a very convoluted process, a little like how the topic of marketing is. Like the marketing discipline, there are a lot of aspects to consider and rules to follow. In this article I will give you an idea of rules that you should probably follow if you want your Tweets re-tweeted.
Respect your audience (don’t call them cyber fat)
Treat your followers the way you want to be treated.
Remind yourself repeatedly that Twitter is used by real people.
Any form of marketing will have you treating people as a generalized crowd, however, this is a dangerous policy on Twitter. The silly old nan that you offended 20 minutes ago may have the ability to damage your companies online reputation within minutes (literally, because I have done it and I am not as smart as my nan). Don’t be afraid to offend or to treat people like a crowd, but be aware that there may be consequences.
Talk like a robot to robots (You may get a snog)
If you are typing programmatically into Notepad++ then keep it strictly formal and correct. If you are talking to people on Twitter, then keep it human and conversational. Don’t type as if you are creating instructions for a DVD player.
Everything you do represents your brand (so don’t wipe your nose on the curtains)
If your brand is formal and posh, then don’t tweet about Jordan (Katy Price the celebrity who is single handily reversing the women’s movement). If your brand sells to strong women then Tweet about Judge Judy (a strong female TV judge who shows women that they don’t have to be pretty or bow to men to succeed). If you sell car parts, then don’t refer to a carburetor and a shiny heat thing. Put your personality into your Tweets if you like, but keep in mind that your tone and subject matter should enhance your brand.
You should be passionate (keep your clothes on though)
Apathy sells nothing. Show your interest to your customers and your passion for your business. Do just as you would when you talk to your customers face to face.
Have one of these properties in your tweets (for further properties play monopoly)
Be contemporary, enlightening, entertaining, readable and collaborative.
Do not send automated direct messages (it’s like throwing darts down the loo)
If you do not have the time (a few seconds) to create an original 140-character message then why should anyone take the time to read it. If you don’t have time, then don’t do it. People are not waiting on the edge of their seats to hear from you, they simply like to be pleasantly surprised when they do.
If someone decides to follow you then react personally and authentically (tell them they smell great)
Welcome new followers and DO NOT do it with an automated message. I know it is tempting and is advertised by a lot of Twitter apps, but you should really keep your messages relevant and original. This is a potential customer!!!
Respond to new followers with an original and authentic message (tell them they look good in the dark)
- Hi, you picked a great time to follow us, we are investing £3000 into our online Easter egg hunt, you should join in, you could win a share.
- Hi, thank you for following us. We are new to Twitter and appreciate all the support we have received so far.
- Hi, thank you for following us. We appreciate you taking the time. I will go through and have a look at your blogs, so that maybe we can follow you and read yours too.
- Hi, thank you for following us. You may have heard that our lead horse Frankel has taken ill and is in for a long recuperation. We have set up a Facebook wall for people to leave their sentiments. We will keep you updated on his progress.

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